Woman Credits Faith In God, Obedient Tithing for Business's Miraculous Turnaround

A woman credits having faith in God and being an obedient, faithful tither with her business’s miraculous turnaround. At one point, her business was in deep financial trouble, but things quickly changed, and the business began to prosper. Watch the video to hear this young woman’s story of how her faith in the Lord helped her business’s financial troubles.

Running a business is difficult, especially when it’s a small, family-owned business. The United States of America is the land of opportunity, where everyone has the chance to do as they please. That means people are free to open their own business.

However, competition can be and is fierce, depending on the market and the specific field. All businesses have to fight to survive. Sadly, many small businesses struggle and do not make it very long. Closing up shop for good was what one woman nearly had to do with her family-owned business, but things quickly turned around.

In a clip posted on YouTube, Nayomie talked about her father, the business he started and the terrific example of faith and trust in the Lord he set for her.

“I learned that he did everything through faith,” she said. “And I have seen that man pray endlessly, and the doors open.”

She added that her father showed her how important it is to be a faithful and obedient tither.

“Sometimes we didn’t have enough to pay the rent, but he’d rather tithe than pay the rent,” she said. “And you would miraculously see a busy day that would cover the rent and extra.”

Eventually, Nayomie took over the family business as the new owner and soon ran into trouble. COVID put a significant financial strain on the business, resulting in thousands of dollars in debt. She was unsure of the future and seriously considered shutting the business down.

But Nayomie stayed faithful and trusted in God. She prayed earnestly for His help and guidance and continued tithing even during this precarious period when money was scarce.

Then, God started to work, and the results were more than anything she could have imagined. She received a $10,000 grant for the business, and the business went viral on social media.

“You know, one moment, we’re, like, closing down,” she said. “The next moment, we’re going viral, and we have a line that is out the door and curls through the block. And our revenue went up by 80 percent.”

The young woman knows who and what is responsible for the business thriving.

“The key to my success is definitely our faith in God and our obedience to tithing,” she said. “I don’t think anything would be possible if we weren’t tithers and givers.”

Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, crushed down, full and running over, they will give to you. For in the same measure as you give, it will be given to you again.”

Source: The 700 Club

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A Prayer to Overcome Paralyzing Fear - Your Daily Prayer - February 7

No matter what our fear may be, God is still stronger and more powerful than any circumstance. Choose to give all your fear over to God today.

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