The Hilarious Reason Why Tim Hawkins Believes His Dad Was a Better Parent Than Him

Tim Hawkins shares the hilarious reason he believes his dad was a better parent than him. The comedian’s reasoning is funny and unexpected; likely, no one saw that one coming from him. Watch the short but hysterical clip to hear why the popular comedian thinks his father may have him beaten in the parenting department.

Being a parent is one of the biggest and best blessings in life. Children add joy, happiness and love to a household and family. Everyone loves those tiny little bundles of joy!

However, in addition to being an absolute blessing and gift from the good Lord above, being a parent comes with a lot of pressure and responsibility. Yes, children are a joy, but mom and dad are entrusted with teaching and raising the children and instructing them in the ways of the Lord.

Like everyone else, parents are not perfect. They make mistakes when raising their children. However, in a clip posted on Instagram, Tim shares why he believes his father was a better and stronger parent than he is.

In the video, Tim mentions trying to be a good father. But he admits to being limited when it comes to the “tools to be a good dad.” He specifically mentions that he’s lacking in the whistle department.

“For one thing, I don’t have a good whistle,” he said. “My dad used to have a good, intimidating whistle. He’d whistle you in, yeah, I mean, other people’s kids would run to my house. I just don’t have that.”

Instead, he hilariously adds what happens whenever he tries to whistle to get his kids’ attention.

“My kids won’t come,” he said. “I have dogs and taxi cabs lined up in front of my house.”

Ephesians 6:4 “And, you fathers, do not make your children angry: but give them training in the teaching and fear of the Lord.”

Source: timhawkinscomic

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