Sweet Elderly Couple's Hilarious Argument About Belt Loops and Suspenders

A sweet elderly couple had a hilarious argument about belt loops and suspenders. The man and woman got into a somewhat heated but still hysterical discussion about one of the most unexpected topics imaginable. Watch the short video to hear and see the adorable couple, as they likely have the most sidesplitting, cute tiff of all time.

No marriage is perfect. Even when two people are entirely compatible, there will be disagreements. People, created by a God specializing in originals and not duplicates and replicas, are not 100 percent alike. Because of this individuality and uniqueness, everyone has their opinions, tastes and preferences. This will inevitably lead to disagreements and tiffs here and there, even in marriages.

However, even when disagreeing with your significant other or anyone else, it’s essential to take everything in stride and not get too bent out of shape. There are proper ways to have a disagreement and express a differing opinion that can actually benefit a relationship, such as a marriage.

In a clip posted on YouTube, an elderly couple has a minor disagreement about belt loops and suspenders. But they do it in such a manner that it’s hard not to laugh as they respond to one another.

The video begins with the woman helping the man put on his belt. As he explains, she was upset that he had missed a loop when initially putting it on. As she is putting on his belt, she then instructs him to lift his pants because, in her opinion, they are too short.

But, as he explains and sees it, there is a perfectly logical reason why his pants are not higher.

“I got too big a stomach,” he tells her. “The pants cannot go up. I need, how you call them? Suspenders. That’s what I need because I got a big stomach.”

He explains that older people have big stomachs, causing their pants to fall, which is why many wear suspenders.

Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

Source: thespicynonna

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A Prayer to Help Us through the Cold, Dark Nights of Winter - Your Daily Prayer - February 16

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