Tim Conway as the World’s Worst Bank Robber Will Have You Cracking Up

As the world’s worst bank robber, Tim Conway will have you cracking up. The comedic legend tries his hand at crime in a hysterical skit from The Carol Burnett Show, and things don’t go as planned. Watch the video to see Tim’s hilariously bad attempt at holding up a bank.

Crime, as much as law enforcement officials and even politicians may try, will forever and always be a problem. No law or law enforcement tactic will eradicate crime from society. Crime is a symptom of our fallen world, a consequence of sin.

While crime will surely be around as long as the world exists, that doesn’t mean we can’t make light of it at times. That was precisely what the memorable and iconic Carol Burnett Show did with an uproarious and laugh-loud skit featuring the legendary Tim Conway and Harvey Korman.

In a clip posted on YouTube, Tim tries his hand at crime. He has his sights set on robbing a bank and making off with some cash. Harvey plays a bank teller who is approached by Tim.
While Tim may want to obtain some quick cash and then get away just as swiftly, his lack of experience with any criminal enterprise is wholly and hilariously apparent. Tim nervously approaches Harvey and states his demands – or at least tries to do so.

“All right,” Tim says. “Put all the money in the stick; this is a bag up.”

Having gotten tongue-tied, Tim takes a moment to gather himself. He politely tells Harvey to excuse him and that he’ll return momentarily.

Next, Tim pulls out a piece of paper and attempts to rehearse his lines. He returns to Harvey, and things don’t go any better. They may actually get worse as Tim continues to stumble over his words.

Eventually, Tim gives up and hands over the piece of paper to Harvey, hoping he will fulfill his demands.

Crime may not pay, but as Tim shows, it can still be deliriously funny!

Job 8:21 “The time will come when your mouth will be full of laughing, and cries of joy will come from your lips.”


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A Prayer When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want to Go to Church - Your Daily Prayer - February 15

Give all the matters over to the Lord and trust Him with the outcome. The Lord can be fully trusted, and He will never fail you.

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