Mother and Son's Chat on a Walk Will Melt Your Heart

A mother and her son went on a walk, and their sweet conversation will melt your heart.

There is nothing quite like being a parent. Children are some of the biggest and best blessings you’ll ever receive on this side of heaven. Welcoming a little one into your household will forever change your life in every way imaginable.

However, as every parent knows, children do not stay little for long. They all have a nasty and unfortunate habit of growing up and eventually moving out of the house. That’s precisely why parents must cherish every moment they have with their children; their childhood will last only for a moment. Blink, and they are driving. Do it again, and they will be backing out of your driveway and heading for college. One more time, and they are getting married and starting a family of their own.

A short video posted on social media captures the precious and heartwarming conversation between a mom and her son. The two were enjoying a walk together when the son started to speak up and told his mother how he felt about her.

“I said that even when we, like, walk, and just walk to the park from back to home, I just love spending time with you. Just, I just love you,” the youngster tells his mother.

But his words get even sweeter.

“When I don’t have to go to day care, I’m glad I don’t have to go to day care,” he added. “I could be more with you.”

Those are words and thoughts that every parent would love to hear from their child, regardless of their little one’s age or stage in life.

As the video continues, Mom expresses similar thoughts and feelings to her child, telling him how much he means to her.

“You know, I just love you so much because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me in the whole wide world,” the mother said.

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Source: GMA

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