Mother What? The Music Video

Mother What? The Music Video

The Abortion Song was written to show the vileness of Abortion, and to offer the women who have fallen into this great sin hope in Jesus Christ...

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Mother what bear thee in thy womb? If you wait, you will see him soon.

To you this child has been sent- and upon you his life depends-

To thy soul he now does cleave

Its warmth and care he must not leave

Til he has strength all his own. He leans on you and you alone.

Mother what bare thee in thy womb- does not your life have any room?

No room for him- you do not see? No room for him who clings to thee?

No room for the joy that he shall bring. No room for love unceasingly.

No room for you to watch him grow? To count his fingers and his toes.

Mother what has happened in thy womb where once your little baby grew?

And what is this great guilt you feel as if you killed someone real?

They say it is nothing but a thing, but you have heard its silent scream.

Regret and sorrow fill your thoughts. For this little life that was lost.

Mother what bare thee in thy womb? Is there guilt shame and gloom?

Does his blood still yet cry- in thy ears "Mommy why?"

Tis true thy sin is very great. But there is hope. It 's not too late.

There is one that takes sins away- on the cross your debt He paid.

Come to Him and know Christ reigns simply to His cross, you must cling.

Confess your sins one by one.. and someday in Heaven you will see your son..

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