Sermon: "Before 'Paradise Lost'," Part 1

Sermon: "Before 'Paradise Lost'," Part 1

What was it like to take those first steps in the Garden of Eden? What sounds, fragrances, and experiences awaited our first parents as they walked through paradise? Perhaps no poet has excelled John Milton in his attempts to portray those moments in dramatic poetry, but nothing is more dignified or suggestive than the account of Moses in the book of Genesis. How did God structure our world? What are its operating principles? Watch as Pastor MacLaren talks about the great creation ordinances that still function today, and see how they transform your view of time, work, and marriage. Rev. MacLaren is pastor of First Presbyterian Church (Orthodox Presbyterian) in Perkasie, PA. To learn more about the church, go to To start an Orthodox Presbyterian Church in your community, contact Pastor MacLaren at

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