The Music of the Bible Revealed � Psalms 148

The Music of the Bible Revealed � Psalms 148

Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura, LA MUSIQUE DE LA BIBLE R�V�L�E - VOLUME 3 (Alienor 1051 CD). -- This slideshow of Psalms 148 includes the consonantal Hebrew Masoretic Text and modified versions of the transliteration and translation provided by Lev Software. The arrangement for modern instruments and the vocal harmonies are of course SHV's, but the ancient melodic line, modality and choral alternation were inferred by her from the Masoretic Text (Letteris Edition). -- This Psalm is unique in that it uses successively all four "psalmodic modes" reconstructed by SHV from the Masoretic accents. The brilliance of a Psalm like this is that the more singers one has, the better -- the whole Levitical ensemble could have sung and accompanied this melody. -- For more information, please see,, and (in French)

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