Mass of 30th Anniversary - Introduction by Superioress General and Archbishop of Paris

Mass of 30th Anniversary - Introduction by Superioress General and Archbishop of Paris

Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, Sunday, March 14. Solemn Eucharist presided by Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois to honor St. Louise de Marillac in the 20th Anniversary of her passing from earth to heaven.

The Mass in Notre-Dame was one of the celebrations of the Jubilee Year of 350th Anniversary of death of our Founders - St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac.

Speaking at the beginning of the Mass is Sr. Evelyne Franc DC, Superioress General of the Campany of Daughters of Charoty of St. Vincent de Paul. She is followed by Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, Archibishop of Paris who has invited Vincentian Family for the celebration in the Cathedral.

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