Let Love Be My Greatest Aim

Let Love Be My Greatest Aim

This song I wrote on October 23, 1985 as a prayer because I was having a very hard time with my four children at the time. I desperately wanted to walk in God's love with them.

Let love be my greatest aim
In everything I do
From making beds to fixing meals
I ask this thing of You
I ask this thing of You

Let my life shine forth Your love
Revealing all Your grace
As I serve You Lord Jesus
And daily seek Your face
And daily seek Your face

Compe$#@!ion I can do without
It's a weariness of the flesh
Erase the strains put on my heart
Help me start afresh

Increase my knowledge day by day
Of Your goodness and Your will
Help me to do all Your commands
And do them better still
And do them better still

Compe#@$#ion I can do without
It's a weariness of the flesh
Erase the strains put on my heart
Help me start afresh

For Your love is the foundation
And my greatest aim
To serve You, Lord, as I serve others
Let love be my greatest aim
Let love be my greatest aim
Let love be my greatest aim.

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