Sacred Entertainment. 'Mercy Ministries' Dance Set at A2B Live on 7/7/7 (please read video description)

Sacred Entertainment. 'Mercy Ministries'  Dance Set at A2B Live on 7/7/7
(please read video description)

This is a unique piece of dance in support of Mercy Ministries. The piece explores the complexity of emotion that many of these girls may go through as they struggle to deal with hurt/abuse/rejection. We will see a transition from initial pain to anger through to a sense of numbness and complete brokenness. Yet hope is found in the constant support and outreach of individuals, as is found in the safe home like environment of Mercy Ministries. Through persistence, help is finally accepted and we see the beginnings of freedom.

This 5 mins set piece is the latest production of Sacred Entertainment with the message: you can rise above all of ur problems and move on because you're not alone !! there're others who are always there for you and be willing to help you go through all the difficult times in your life !!
Enjoy !!

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