Sunday Worship Service, 11/21/2010 First Presbyterian Church Perkasie PA Richard Scott MacLaren

Join us as we worship the living God by his Word and Spirit. We sing the great hymns of the Christian faith, including "Praise the Lord, Ye Heav'ns Adore Him," and "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken." Our Scripture readings are from the New International
Version of the Bible. This service took place at First Presbyterian Church in Perkasie, PA, on November 21, 2010. Rev. Richard Scott MacLaren is the pastor.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for the Ones Who Don't Feel Great at Anything - Your Daily Prayer - October 4

You have the chance to be great at faith, trusting in what you can’t see and in Whom you believe. So keep taking steps forward, allowing God’s glory to come behind your messes to orchestrate miracles.

Read Today's Devotional