Homeless man w/ golden radio voice in Columbus, OH

Incredible story about a homeless man, Ted Williams, in Ohio with an unlikely gift. In a true act of Christ, a man stops by to talk to the man and learns he is trying desperately to get his life back on track. Because of this man's help, Ted has now been
given multiple job offers from around the world including one with the Cleveland Cavaliers! Not only did the Cavs offer him a job, they also offered him a house paid for by Quicken Loans. God bless Mr. Williams. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him for some
time to come! Matthew 25:45 And he will answer, 'I assure you, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.'

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Today's Devotional

A Valentine’s Day Prayer to Cultivate a Tender Heart toward God - Your Daily Prayer - February 14

Here are four ways to help cultivate a tender heart towards God this Valentine's Day.

Read Today's Devotional