Evolution: Fossils, Genes and Mousetraps 1-11

Evolution: Fossils, Genes and Mousetraps 1-11

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) 2006

Lecture features Kenneth R. Miller, an Evolutionary Biology Professor at Brown University. Miller obtained his Ph.D in Biology from the University of Colorado in 1974, is a contributing author to a series of Pretince Hall Biology textbooks, and the author of the following books dealing with finding common ground and reconciling evolution and religion in today's society.

In this lecture Ken Miller discusses the controversy surrounding the teaching of evolution, presents compelling evidence for evolution and reasons why "intelligent design" is not scientific.

Finding Darwin's God -- Ken Miller

Coming soon: Only a Theory -- Ken Miller

Miller's Personal website

Full DVD lecture, and many others can be ordered for free at no shipping costs here: http://www.hhmi.org

Other information on evolutionary biology can be also obtained here:


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