'He Still Does (Miracles)' - Hawk Nelson

'He Still Does (Miracles)' - Hawk Nelson

Even if we don't see it now, God is always around us. When we are at our darkest, He still remains by our side.

That's exactly what the powerful lyrics of 'He Still Does (Miracles)' from Hawk Nelson reminds us. We may feel lost or alone but our Lord is with us each step of the way. He is our guiding light and the strength that will see us through. Sometimes, we can forget just how powerful He truly is, but there are miracles around us each and every day. He can mend a broken heart and help others become reborn. There is nothing too great for our mighty Lord. I love these beautiful lyrics set to the most stunning backdrop.

What a perfect reminder of our awesome God and all His glory. This is my kind of worship!

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