Peter's Journey: Walking on Water

Southside Baptist Church
Sunday, April 19, 2015 - Morning Service
Matthew 14:22-33

Summary: What is it about our heroes that makes them seem so larger than life? As we begin a new series, we are going to spend some time looking at the faith journey of the Apostle Peter, realizing that he faced many of the same struggles that we do. As we examine the time when Jesus and Peter walked upon the water, we consider what it means to have self-confidence in God, and how all things are possible when God is involved.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Deepen Your Prayer Life This Fall - Your Daily Prayer - September 14

For Christians, fall, or harvest time, is a season of spiritually gathering up all that we’ve planted and watered. It's a time when we see how God has brought growth through our prayers.

Read Today's Devotional