We Never Walk Alone - Senior Living - December 6

December 06, 2024

…God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." --Hebrews 13:5

Timothy Blackburn, author of The History of the Future: A Commentary on Revelation and Matthew 24, told the story of when he was a young child falling asleep in the car on the way home from church.

Blackburn said that he would sleep in the back of his family's 1959 Chevrolet, as they traveled many miles from the church where his dad served as pastor. He remembers sometimes waking just enough to feel his dad gently pick him up and carry him to his bed. Other times, he would actually be awake, but would pretend to sleep so he could get a free lift. And occasionally, he wouldn't wake at all until the next day, discovering that he'd been carefully tucked in his bed.

He said: "He cradled my head in his arm to support it. What a comforting feeling that was! I felt secure and protected; there were no worries. The problems of the day didn't matter. I knew my dad was protecting me at that moment. I did not worry about school the next day—I was in my father's arms."

At any age, we want to feel safe. And thankfully, we have a heavenly Father to comfort us. Through each step we take in life, He gently guides and directs us, even carrying us along some of the way. We are safe and sound in His arms, and no one can snatch us out of His hands (John 10:27-30).

Even as senior adults, we are never walking alone, and God is the first to rescue us when our hearts are broken and we don't know where to turn. What a loving Father we have!

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Thank God for carrying you when times were rough in the past and ask Him to help you feel safe and secure in the days ahead. 

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