
My sister is a crime scene investigator in Singapore. One morning, she was abruptly awakened at 4 a.m. by the incessant ringing of her phone, a murder had occurred! She had just 48 hours to gather sufficient evidence to press charges against the murder suspect being held in police custody. Over the next few days, my sister carefully investigated the gruesome crime.

The first night she came home, she said, "When I close my eyes, I can see blood everywhere." The second night, she mused, "I see only wounds and lacerations." The third night, she announced, "I can piece together the crime sequence!"

In some ways, Christians are called to be crime scene investigators too. Take a look at Deuteronomy 17. In verses 2-13, we read twice: "In this way, you will purge the evil from among you" (vv.7, 12). These verses highlight the importance of the Israelites investigating and dealing with sin in their community. Sin is so abhorrent to God that it can't coexist with Him. He is holy, and He expects us to reflect His holiness. Moses, while restating the terms of God's covenant to the Israelites, told them that the effects of sin should not be allowed to fester in the community. Like a cancer, it had to be diagnosed and eradicated.

They were to "investigate the matter thoroughly" (v.4), however. God didn't want them to rush to hasty conclusions. There needed to be two or three witnesses involved (v.6). And to safeguard against false allegations, the witnesses had to throw the first stones (v.7). If the life of an innocent person was taken, they would personally bear the guilt.

When believers we know appear to have fallen into sin, we need to carefully investigate the issue. If sin is present, our goal should be to compassionately encourage them to repent before our holy God. , Poh Fang Chia, Our Daily Journey

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