Worth It

1 Timothy 4:6
We work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the
living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all
believers (4:10).

Racing along the beach as the moonlight hits the
water, I dash toward the figure running toward
me. I have a pile of papers to grade, a house in
desperate need of attention, and a writing deadline to
complete in less than 48 hours, and here I am running
through the sand and trying to guard my team’s home
base. I feel every bit of my nearly 38 years, but what might
appear to the ordinary spectator to be simply a game of
capture the flag is to me an investment in the living church.
If we truly understand God’s Word, we understand
that no believers live unto themselves. We’re the living
stones set upon the Chief Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:4).

To be unconcerned about the lives of those around
me—to place my own spiritual growth at the apex of my
Christian experience—is to miss the very heart of God.
Ministry isn’t about me. That’s a difficult concept to grasp
when we come to church expecting to have our needs
met—looking for programs that best suit our interests.
Far from convenient, I chose to give up a weekend
so that the next generation would know that Jesus has
called them to greatness in the kingdom. While that
might sound impressive, living by that precept has been
far from romantic. Investing in others—whether they’re
children, teenagers, or adults—can be time-consuming,
messy, and downright exhausting. The overwhelming
message in Paul’s ministerial admonition to Timothy,
however, is not whether Timothy should invest in others, but how he should do
so (1 Timothy 4:11–5:2).

Christian doctrine isn’t simply about knowledge. It points us to
transformational living (4:12,16). And at the heart of all Christian doctrine is the
call to relationship (5:1-2)—first with Jesus, then with others (Mark 12:30). Do
we consider the investment to be worth it? —Regina Franklin

Read 2 Timothy 1:1 to see how God uses a variety of sources to bring
about sound doctrine and a strong foundation in our relationship with

When you step through the front doors of your local church, what’s the
first thought that enters your mind? Why must we keep our personal growth
a priority?