The Sin of Prayerlessness, Part 50 (The Prayer Motivator Devotional #519)

The Sin of Prayerlessness, Part 50 (The Prayer Motivator Devotional #519)

Our prayer motivator verse from the Word of God today is Matthew 7:7 which reads: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

My personal encouragement today is this: Families are in need of a great amount of intercession. Even if your marriage and family seem strong right now, seek out those families in your community who are on the rocks and make it your mission to pray for them daily.

Our prayer motivator quote today is from C.H. Spurgeon. He said: "If a church is to be what it ought to be for the purposes of God, we must train it in the holy art of prayer. Churches without prayer-meetings are grievously common. Even if there were only one such, it would be one to weep over. In many churches the prayer-meeting is only the skeleton of a gathering: the form is kept up, but the people do not come. There is no interest, no power, in connection with the meeting. Oh, my brothers, let it not be so with you! Do train the people to continually meet together for prayer. Rouse them to incessant supplication. There is a holy art in it. Study to show yourselves approved by the prayerfulness of your people. If you pray yourself, you will want them to pray with you; and when they begin to pray with you, and for you, and for the work of the Lord, they will want more prayer themselves, and the appetite will grow. Believe me, if a church does not pray, it is dead. Instead of putting united prayer last, put it first...

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