Breaking Prophecy News; Who does "this generation" in Matthew 24:34 refer to? (The Prophet Daniel's Report #128)

Signs of His Coming: Floods in India kill 27 people and displace 900,000 | Vladimir Putin says Russia already recognizes Palestine | U.S. and Israel discuss ways for Israel to keep its military edge in the region

Prophecy Bootcamp: Our topic for today is titled "Who does "this generation" in Matthew 24:34 refer to?" from Dr. John MacArthur's book "The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Action Point: God wants us to have the right spiritual attitude toward the world as it crumbles around us in these last days. In light of that, please listen to the final part of what Dr. David Jeremiah writes in his book titled "I Never Thought I'd See the Day" about the radical sacrificial mentality that Christians should have.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Confronting Life’s Biggest Challenges - Your Daily Prayer - September 20

We are able to be filled by His Spirit each day, enabling us to take on the biggest challenges in life with His strength.

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