Is. 53 is prophecy about the Messiah!

Is. 53 is prophecy about the Messiah!

Yesha'yahu (Isaiah) prophesies the coming of Mashiach!rnrnThis video is hope for you and others as it points the way to salvation found in trusting in Yeshua of Natzeret.rnAny objections?rnI sometimes get the objection, what about Isaiah 49:3 where God calls Israel "My servant?" (or similar passages)rnAnswer:rnA servant means to serve. There can be more than one servant of the Father. The people of Israel are His servant on the earth to show the world His ways. Yeshua also is the servant of the Father in that He does the Father's perfect will and is submissive to Him in that way. He also came to serve others and give His life as a ransom for many. The context of Isaiah 49 shows "coastlands" (vs. 1) and "you peoples from afar." So parts of this show that Israel is God(the Father)'s servant, meaning they do His will. But the context of Isaiah 52:13-14 shows the Servant singular as a man.(vs. 14) "So His visage (appearance) was marred more than any man, and HIS FORM more than the sons of men."rnThe context of Isaiah CONTRASTS the Suffering Servant Messiah with the people of Israel (Is. 53:5, 6, 8, 11, 12). "He bore the sin of many." "He shall bear their iniquities." "He was cut off from the land of the living (death) For the transgressions of MY PEOPLE (Israelites). "He was wounded for OUR transgressions (Israel), He was bruised for OUR INIQUITIES (Isael-and those grafted in, believers); the chastisement for OUR peace was UPON HIM." (vs. 6) And YHWH has laid ON HIM the INIQUITY OF US ALL (including Israel)!rnrnThis shows that the servant in Is. 52:13 and into Isaiah 53 is clearly Yeshua HaMashiach!rnrnReferences:rnIsaiah 53rnR. Elijah de Vidas (16c) Driver and Neubauer (vol. 1, p. 331) (vol. 2, p. 386); Nachmanides (Ramban) R. Moshe ben Nachman (13th c.) Driver and Neubauer (vol. 1 p 78ff) (vol. 2, p. 81); Midrash Thanhumi, Rabbi Nahman (vol. 2, p. 11, Driver and Neubauer) (Pugio Fidei, p. 664);

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