The Lord's Prayer from Amos 'n Andy

The Lord's Prayer from Amos 'n Andy

Aired: December 25 1952.

Amos famous interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. Preformed by Alvin Childress and Patti Marie Ellis.

This moving holiday tradition began in 1940 with a 15-minute radio episode of Amos 'n Andy starring Freeman Gosden (Amos) and Charles Correll (Andy) and Elinor Harriot (Arbadella, later replaced by Barbara Jean Wong) that centered around Amos sitting by his daughter's bedside and explaining the Lord's Prayer to her. It was a powerful and touching moment, perfectly capturing that simpler, religiously inspired Christmas spirit that prevailed decades ago.
Nearly half the nation tuned in to those annual holiday broadcasts.
Every year after that, 'The Lord's Prayer' traditional was used in the Christmas show.

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