God's Heart Cry for Revival by Rob Cartledge

God's Heart Cry for Revival by Rob Cartledge

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Visit Rob Cartledge at www.robcartledgeministries.com

Author and minister Rob Cartledge brings us a book which will impact and revolutionise the way you live your Christianity.

The Back of the Book:
Have you ever been led to pray for a revival of Jesus Christ in your community and city? Do you long to see "Every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord?" Yes, well this burden to pray for revival comes from the heart of the Father.

God and Jesus are in the Revival Business. God's heart cries for revival and He is more than ready to pour out His Spirit on all flesh (Joel 2:28) but we, His people, have always been His problem. To move God we must change and live on His terms. God is now mobilising His people for the greatest advent in modern history, the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh, the great harvest of souls.

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