3 of 3 - Did the Bible Really Come From God? - Billy Crone

3 of 3 - Did the Bible Really Come From God? - Billy Crone

Many people today are quick to spout off bold claims that there is no way in which it can be said that the Bible really did come from God. In fact, they then imply that anyone who believes this is some form of a mental idiot. However, in reality it's the critic whose "cheese has fallen out of their sandwich" because they refuse to look at the evidence. And because of this ill-informed skepticism, when a Christian today responds that the Bible came from God, many people now reply, "Oh yeah? Who Says the Bible is God's Word?". Therefore, this series "Who Says the Bible is God's Word?" shares 10 lines of solid logical evidence that proves that the Bible really did come from God. Such evidences include, The Bible says so, Jesus says so, The Apostles say so, The Early Church and Church History say so, Transmission Standards say so, Manuscript Data says so, Archaeology says so, Predictive Prophecy says so, Science says so, and The Nature and Scope of Data says so. As you will see, with all this overwhelming evidence from God, there really is no need to doubt that the Bible really did come from God, let alone cave into the false claims of the critic. People, be encouraged. We can know for sure that what we hold in our hands is indeed the Genuine Word of God!

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