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Teach ntegrity, Faith, Obedience and other positive character traits through the Nest Learning DVD on the life of the Maccabees. Journey to Palestine of the second century B.C., where Antiochus, a Syrian-Greek king, rules over the people of Israel, confronting them with a trying test of their faith. They must bow down and accept the Greek gods...or die! Some submit, but not the Maccabees, a small group true to the faith of their fathers.

Excellent for developing home school curriculum and a great teaching resource for teaching the story of Hanukkah, The Feast of Lights

Each Interactive Maccabees DVD features: All features offerred in English and Spanish English and Spanish movie and subtitles and audio dialog Have fun learning history and character with 3-Level Interactive Quiz

Bonus Offer - Each Maccabees DVD includes a Free Instant Download of our 48 Page Activity and Coloring book

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