God Answers Prayer

God Answers Prayer

God Answers Prayer

Acts 12:11……. Then Peter came to himself and said, “Now I know without a doubt that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me …”
What an amazing passage of scripture. What an awesome answer to prayer. Peter is so caught-up in the supernatural of the unfolding events that, at first, he thinks he is in a vision.
An Angel turns up in his prison cell, wakens him and helps him to walk out of his incarceration. They pass the guards, who see neither Peter nor the Angel. They go out of the unlocked main gate, through the streets and Peter walks into the prayer meeting where the believers were praying for the very thing that happened before they were finished praying.
Imagine the euphoric jubilation that filled the room just as angelic light had flooded Peter’s cell only moments earlier. Our God hears our prayers and He responds. Hallelujah!
To read this scripture in context please go to ‘McKenzie is Spared’: http://www.thewaycm.com/mckenzie.html

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