Lebanon caught in the middle of Syria's war, H1N1 infections spike, Hezbollah says Israel's borders 'not safe', and more (Second Coming Watch Sunday Roundup #2)

Lebanon caught in the middle of Syria's war, H1N1 infections spike, Hezbollah says Israel's borders 'not safe', and more (Second Coming Watch Sunday Roundup #2)

This is the Second Coming Watch Sunday Roundup for January 5, 2013.

Syria's bloody civil war has spread to the streets of Beirut.

Israeli national security analyst has stated that amid the chaos of Syria’s civil war, Hezbollah has been moving long-range missiles to Lebanon.

CDC said on Friday that the number of states reporting widespread seasonal flu activity jumped from 10 to 25 last week.

IDF Moshe Ya'alon believes that the proposal to withdraw from the Jordan Valley, if accepted, could not only add to a general rise in terror attacks against Israel.

After fighting in a bloody three-day war, Al Qaeda-affiliated militants captured the western city of Fallujah.

The Washington Post has reported that the NSA is trying to develop a computer that could ultimately break most encryption programmes.

IDM spokeswoman said that Israel has tested its upgraded Arrow interceptor.

While Hezbollah remains entangled in the Syrian conflict, one of its top field commanders warned in an interview that it would behoove Israel to remain on alert.

China's first aircraft carrier has successfully finished a series of tests.

NBC News correspondents and writers explain how the outcome of wars, negotiations and elections in 7 countries could have a deep impact on their own populations and regions, and sometimes the world.

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