Messiah 10 Years of Miracles

Messiah 10 Years of Miracles

Church of the Messiah

Church of the Messiah - 10 years celebration in our building. We are a people who believe God has a purpose for our lives way beyond what we could accomplish on our own, We are a community experiencing the miracles of Jesus Christ as we live and learn His Word. We have come to understand that absolute truth is in Jesus and He wants us to grow and bloom in totally trusting on Him. We have come to undersatnd that the voices of this world are screaming at us to trust in its ways but that true peace and happiness comes through trusting only in Him. We beleive the church is one family and that when one of it's members suffers we all suffer and when on of it's members rejoices, we all rejoice. That we should bear each others burdens as well and victories.
We invite you to join us Sundays at 9am for Bible Study and 10am for Worship and teachings.

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