Only Grace by Matthew West

Only Grace by Matthew West

I have learned so much from this song as Gods creation we are all greatful to all HIS graces which were given unto us. We all fall, and we have to learn how to get back up again, to get beck to our feet and magnify HIS name. Even if it means we have to humble ourselves over and over again we should be thankful for HIS grace. We can only walk tall if we first learn how to kneel.

Matthew West (born April 25, 1977) is a Christian singer/songwriter who is known for songs like "More", "Next Thing You Know", and "Only Grace". A Chicago-area native, he now lives with his wife, Emily, and their daughter, Luella Jane or "Lulu" .

Our dearest friend is but a shadow compared to Jesus.

With thankful hearts give praise to Jesus for HIS blessings without end; let's give to HIM our full devotion; He's our Saviour and our Friend- D. De Haan

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