Breaking Prophecy News; The Religion of the Nations in the Tribulation, Part 8 (The Prophet Daniel's Report #210)

Signs of His Coming: Syrian violence spills into Jordan, Lebanon | Russian forces kill 49 Islamic militants | Egyptian president participates in prayer calling for destruction of Israel

Prophecy Bootcamp: Our topic for today is titled "The Religion of the Nations in the Tribulation, Part 8: THE IDENTITY OF THE FALSE CHURCH" from Dr. John MacArthur's book "The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Action Point: Listen to the continuation of J.C. Ryle's message on the meaning of Jesus' words, "Occupy till I come."

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Confronting Life’s Biggest Challenges - Your Daily Prayer - September 20

We are able to be filled by His Spirit each day, enabling us to take on the biggest challenges in life with His strength.

Read Today's Devotional