The Psalmist says in Psalm , "He has made His wonderful works to be remembered." I fear that we too often fail to keep in our memory the recollection of God's exceeding goodness and faithfulness to His beloved children on a daily basis, and that we allow the works of the LORD, as well as His mercies, to lie "forgotten in unthankfulness." But we as Christians are to remember all the good things that God has done for us in our hour of need - for if He did it before in the past for us He can surely do it again in the future. This anointed prophetic prayer, and praise and worship song beautifully sung by Jimmy Graziano (with backing vocals by Katy Graziano), and inspirational written by Evangelist Daniele Luciano Moskal reflects and reminisces on the many things that Jesus Christ has done for each and everyone of us, individually and corporately. Listen closely and you may even hear angels singing with Jimmy on this one!!!

(c) 2013 "AMORE Christian Music"
Daniele Luciano Moskal & Jimmy Graziano

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