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  • Learn2Discern - Targeting a MinorityLearn2Discern - Targeting a Minority
    Does Planned Parenthood target minorities? About 1/3 of it's abortions are performed on blacks who constitute just 13 percent of the population. They took in $336 million from American taxpayers last year. Are we paying taxes to promote racism?...crm12010-10-01T22:29:592,817 views00:02:29
  • Learn2Discern - Report of a CatastropheLearn2Discern - Report of a Catastrophe
    A new report reveals that 1.2 million students drop out of America's high schools every year. In some of America's largest cities, graduation rates are below fifty percent. Should we accept this mediocre performance in our public schools? Under...crm12010-10-01T22:29:572,751 views00:02:26
  • Learn2Discern - Two Condoms for the PromLearn2Discern - Two Condoms for the Prom
    Students who attend the Prom in Brisbee, Arizona, will recieve a gift bag from the school containing picture frames, candles, mints, and two condoms per bag. Should elected officials - who know better - be sending the message that condoms are as m...crm12010-10-01T22:29:573,420 views00:02:24
  • Learn2Discern - A Day to Silence ChristiansLearn2Discern - A Day to Silence Christians
    On April 25, schools all over America will be observing a "Day of Silence", an event promoted by homo$!ual activists. They say it is intended to create "tolerance" in our schools. But what is their attitude towards those who di...crm12010-10-01T22:29:572,165 views00:02:40
  • Learn2Discern - The Mainstream Muddies the WaterLearn2Discern - The Mainstream Muddies the Water
    The majority of American voters - 83% - belive that the media is biased in its coverage. Are all these people right? Is the mainstream media trying to advance a particular agenda? Learn more about the Media Revolution and understand how to discer...crm12010-10-01T22:29:562,841 views00:02:33
  • Learn2Discern - Are Babies Bad for the Planet?Learn2Discern - Are Babies Bad for the Planet?
    Is having a child a selfish act? Are children a burden on the environment or is this thinking dangerous for the planet? Learn to discern and understand God's truth.rnrnSend this video to a friend!rnrnGo to crm12010-10-01T22:29:563,382 views00:02:19
  • Learn2Discern - Godless EducationLearn2Discern - Godless Education
    Why is it acceptable for teachers to promote irreligion over religion, yet unacceptable for to extol the benefits of Christianity and prayer during class time? Understand the consequences of this double standard and learn to discern the truth. rn...crm12010-10-01T22:29:563,137 views00:03:02
  • Learn2Discern - Leave Your Faith in the CarLearn2Discern - Leave Your Faith in the Car
    Should a high-school student be detained in the school office for wearing a T-Shirt with Biblical references against homo$#@%uality? Learn more about the "Day of Silence". Is there a double standard in our schools when it comes to the fr...crm12010-10-01T22:29:562,858 views00:02:29
  • Learn2Discern - The Business of AbortionLearn2Discern - The Business of Abortion
    Does Planned Parenthood exist to help women make good choices? Or does it exist to make good money? Every time they steer a woman towards abortion, Planned Parenthood makes more money. Is this a good choice? rnrnPlease send this video to a friend...crm12010-10-01T22:29:563,068 views00:02:05
  • Learn2Discern - Leave Your Faith in the CarLearn2Discern - Leave Your Faith in the Car
    Should a high-school student be detained in the school office for wearing a T-Shirt with Biblical references against homo!!@uality? Learn more about the "Day of Silence". Is there a double standard in our schools when it comes to the fre...crm12010-10-01T22:25:343,148 views00:02:29
  • Learn2Discern - The NEALearn2Discern - The NEA
    Does the NEA really follow its claim to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world, or is it really more concerned with political lobbying? Learn 2Discern the truth about the NEA and it's suport for for a purely secular...crm12010-10-01T22:25:341,881 views00:02:03
  • Learn2Discern - More Safe MythsLearn2Discern - More Safe Myths
    Is Planned Parenthood telling the truth when they compare the successes and failures of comprehensive #$%! education compared to abstinence only programs? Are they more concerned with increasing the abortion rate than decreasing %@$@ual activity ...crm12010-10-01T22:25:342,846 views00:02:13
  • Learn2Discern - Safe MythsLearn2Discern - Safe  Myths
    Is abstinence education a failure? Every time statistics are released documenting a rise in STDs or teen preganancy rates the media condemn abstinence-only education. Learn2Discern the truth about abstinence education and its impact and effectiven...crm12010-10-01T22:25:342,843 views00:02:06
  • Learn2Discern - CannibalsLearn2Discern - Cannibals
    How should Christians go about making up their minds concerning global warming? Is there fact behind recent claims such as those purpoting cannibalism as an outcome to global warming, or is this just a political agenda infused with fear? Demand ...crm12010-10-01T22:24:552,887 views00:01:40
  • Learn2Discern - Separation of Church and StateLearn2Discern - Separation of Church and State
    Did our founding fathers intend for America to be a Christian nation? Are those of us who believe that America was founded as a Christian nation, ignoring our history? Learn2Discern the truth and discover the 10 Truths About America's Christian He...crm12010-10-01T22:24:552,796 views00:01:55
  • Learn2Discern - Evolution - Fact Versus FaithLearn2Discern - Evolution - Fact Versus Faith
    We are to believe that evolution is a proven fact and creation science is a matter of faith alone. But is it true? Expose missing evidence in Darwin’s theory and confirm Biblical evidence for creation!rnrnSend this video to a friend!rnrnG...crm12010-10-01T22:24:553,165 views00:01:44