3 Suns, 80% ND Eclipse

3 Suns, 80% ND Eclipse

Video Intro – These two clips aren’t intended to be a nature or scientific study, but an observation of some of God’s creative handiwork. An interesting effect to get what looks like 3 suns?

Video Thots – Son Worship [or Sun Worship?] for Eclipse day 2017?
The solar eclipse that happened today should have been a means of glorifying God. God created everything so that we can glorify Him. A caution, unfortunately, many people seem to have taken this event as a means to party, almost a ‘worship the creation instead of the creator’ scenario. The definition of Idolatry is when people place anything as more important than God.
As you are going out & about this week, will you think about who God is? As busy as life can be, it is easy to get distracted by things that have no eternal value. Keep in mind the person [Jesus] who created everything [which includes the sun, moon.. & us…]. We will all stand in front of Him & give an account of our life & sins. That’s when we see the finality resulting from Jesus’ payment for our sins.
We encourage you to worship God in spirit & in truth today, while God has given us the time. The finality of today’s kind of event is still coming…. [Revelation 6:12; 16:10]

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