True Repentance, The Key To The Door To Heaven

True Repentance, The Key To The Door To Heaven

Two primary doctrines that cannot be bent, ignored, or twisted without destroying your eternal hope is REPENTANCE and GRACE. Christ warned repeatedly not to be deceived, and spelled out clearly how to be protected from such satanic lies and confusion. Today both these truths are buried under the lies of false preachers and teachers, and the church is full of corrupted members claiming religious freedom to live their lives without the burden of God's rules. We are in troubling times!

Christ's first series of messages were completely based on repentance. By repeatedly preaching "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" [Matt 4:17 (NKJV)] the Lord gathered followers. The full force of His call was to everyone to "change your mind for the better, heartily amend your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins" (AMP). After gathering disciples he shifted to explaining the full weight of what this life of repentance meant. We call it the Sermon on the Mount, and Christ finished His truth with extreme warnings of great deception about this life of repentance.

Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. 14 But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it. [Matt 7:13-14 (AMP)]

For more answers go straight to the Book, the Bible. Thank you for watching Straight Talk

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