Breaking Prophecy News; Two Second Comings or One? Part 5 (The Prophet Daniel's Report #364)

Breaking Prophecy News; Two Second Comings or One? Part 5 (The Prophet Daniel's Report #364)

PROPHECY HEADLINES: Experts warn of major eruption from Icelandic volcano; Syria says Israeli strikes could destabilize region; Russia seizes more Ukrainian military assets

PROPHECY BOOTCAMP: Two Second Comings or One? (Part 5) from Dr. Tim LaHaye

The two phases of Christ's one coming are in different places, at different times, for different people, and for different purposes. Some scholars believe both phases will be fulfilled simultaneously. While this theory is held by many good people and solves some problems, it seems to this author that it creates far more problems than it solves. For one, it all but ignores the differences already pointed out. It allows no time for Christ's judgment of believers -- unless it is all done in an instant of time (which is possible, though not likely, since that would not allow for individual treatment and reward). In addition, this view leaves out several important events that will go on during that time.

OCCUPY TILL I COME: How to Recognize False Prophets (Part 14) from Dr. David Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries

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