Then Now, and to Be (Regent Reel Dreams Contest 2009

Then Now, and to Be (Regent Reel Dreams Contest 2009

A woman needs to place her baby in foster care after her husband is killed in a car accident. The baby, Allison, grows and at 14 becomes rebellious. She is at her low point when a friend invites her to her youth group and Allison starts a relationship with Jesus Christ. She now desires to live a good life and help others.She has trouble getting started until she googles Hero one day and in that search she comes upon Wish Upon a Hero. She works with the organization to start her own, Welcome Homer Baby, which helps low-income moms with diapers, bottles, and clothing for children from birth to age two. Her relationship with her birth mother is restored and the two work together through Welcome Home Baby to help other families to stay together.

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