What Are Your Rewards?

What Are Your Rewards?

HE HAS RISEN!!! EASTER glorification for our Lord, King, and Savior, Jesus Christ who is one with the Father, Creator, and Holy LORD! Jesus died for our salvation, to free us from our bondage, and to fulfill GOD's holy scriptures. Have you given serious thought to what our heavenly Father wishes for us? Have you seriously given thought to how many times we've broken the heart and slapped the tender face of the One who created all? What are your rewards from the LORD? Do you sow what you reap or do you reap what you've sowed? Time is drawing short my, brethren, we must seek forgiven through deep repentance, to "go and sin no more" (John 8:1-11), and to pray diligently and earnestly for all, our loved ones, friends, foes, enemies, and ourselves ... everyone! This EASTER, recall the gifts our FATHER in heaven has bestowed on us through the sacrifice of HIS only Son, Jesus the Christ, and through the job the Holy Spirit does for us ... all out of unconditional love, mercy, and forgiveness. God bless you ... God bless us all! I thank the LORD for HIS grace in all matters. 8^)

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