Barnabas Csoport: A CRM CoNext Story

Barnabas Csoport: A CRM CoNext Story

CRM covertly entered Hungary in 1986. In 1991 the team was renamed Barnabas Csoport, which means Barnabas Group. Led by Hungarian nationals, Barnabas Csoport is a member of CRM's CoNext network. This is their story.

Established in 1985 and a CoNEXT partner since 2002, Barnabas Csoport (CRM Hungary), is an internationally linked ministry unique in its focus on relationship-fueled leadership development. We recognize the growing impact of Hungarian leaders across borders and into the nations. Full-time staff – both Hungarian and American – serve primarily in Hungary, but also work with church leaders in surrounding nations. Barnabas Csoport trains Hungarian leaders in leading, mentoring, community development, and spiritual formation. Barnabas Csoport trains Hungarian leaders in leading, mentoring, community development, and spiritual formation.

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