Example of praying for Year End Sunday Service

Example of praying for Year End Sunday Service

It's the last Sunday in 2012 and I want to say to all Christians who come across this post to learn to end things RIGHT at all times by showing appreciation to God. There are many ways to end your year praying in your local church, home or ministry and this is in no way an exclusive way. You cannot tell us you are part of a local Church if you cannot even spend at least 15 minutes to prayerfully end your year right in recognition of our "Alpha & Omega God. Give it all up to Him for His goodness and mercy to you in this year end. It's all our responsibility and not some elite prayer warriors to say thank you to the Lord for all He has done for us in 2012. I have added a sample for your benefit so in this wrap up of another year. Be appreciative. In 2013 no excuses come to Church early to pray for the day's service. The move of God is near you, even in your mouth. End of Year 2012 Happiness to all and all the Glory to our Alpha & Omega.

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