Prophecy: You will reap - Received July 29, 2009

Prophecy: You will reap - Received July 29, 2009

Prophecy – You will reap! - Received: July 29, 2009

Remember, what you sow in this life you will also reap. There is a time to sow and a time to reap. If you are faithful and sow good seed now you will have a good harvest.

You sow into My Kingdom. The one who sows in tears now for Me will reap in joy. Do not give up, you will reap in due time. Your labors will be rewarded, nothing is in vain.

Whatever seed you sow, good or bad, it will grow and you will reap. If you neglect to sow you will have none to reap.

Whatever you sow you will reap.

Sow unrighteousness and you will reap unrighteousness, sow hatred and you will reap hatred. If you sow love you will reap love, sow mercy and you will reap mercy.

Whatever you sow you will reap.

Make sure before you sow your seed today. Those who sow wickedness will not enter My kingdom.

Whatever a man sowed, that he will reap. You will reap what you have sown.

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