Rain down upon us God

Rain down upon us God

Being that this is my 3rd video, I hope ya'll enjoy it. This video is to the song, "Rain Song" by Day of Fire. Awesome band! This is about God raining down upon us again. Many have turned to their own ways, forgetting God's righteousness and holiness. Many have stopped seeking Him as they should and have gotten wrapped up in their own busy lives, forgetting to seek God while He may be found. Many have forgotten and even ignored God's conviction and have turned to a life of sin. May we cry out to God again and seek Him like never before. May we call out for Jesus' forgiveness and repent while it isn't too late. May we remember that God should be first in our lives and heart and begin to cry out for those who do not know this and those who choose to ignore this! Cry out for God's rain to fall upon us again and upon His creation!

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