Christian Music Video - My Prayer by Michele McGovern

Christian Music Video - My Prayer by Michele McGovern

To Download this Christian Music Video at . This Christian Song was written by Christian Music Artist Michele McGovern. Michele is a Worship Music singer at The Journey . You can visit Michele's website for more Christian Songs and Christian Music Lyrics by Michele McGovern

Michele also wrote the song and created the video that is helping to change the world "Change it Together" also featured here on YouTube. Her song "This Ordinary Life" is a driving inspiration.

I reached a point in my Christian walk where I thought, Lord, is this it? Is this all there is? Your word is filled with promises, and yet do I really have the faith to believe for them? Do I really believe that you hear me when I pray, and that you are a God who is still able to do the impossible? I began to plead with God to shake me from my mediocrity and complacency, and to increase my faith so that He could use me to see those same promises fulfilled. This song has become my heart's cry and my life's anthem.

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