Taylor and Christmas Play 2009

Taylor and Christmas Play 2009

My son, Taylor, has Autism and has been obsessed with Luke ch. 2 (The Birth of Jesus)for over a year. When I would try to get him to turn to the page the preacher would be on during church his reply was, "No! Luke 2!". He typed these verses nearly every day during 2009. (typing is another obsession he has) Little did I know that God was preparing him for this play. When the director told me which part she was giving Taylor, I was blown away... it was to tell about Jesus' birth during the song, "Happy Birthday Jesus". She was unaware of his obsession with theses verses and that he wouldn't even have to work on learning it...He already knew it by heart. God CAN use what we think of as BAD (obsessions, Autism, etc.) and turn them into GOOD!

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