God's Missionaries Part Two

God's Missionaries Part Two

What Missionaries go through for the Love of Christ, it is the Love that Jesus has for them that they are willing to give everything to follow Him and they do pay the price and not shrink back from serving Him it is because Jesus first loved us that that we can love Him back. Many times people are afraid to give their all for following the Lord Jesus Christ totally and because of fear or the love of this world that they cannot forsake their life for His Live and how did Jesus show His Love for us by becoming us on the Cross and He was made sin for us that we can have life. The Love of the Father was so great that He gave His Only Begotten Son to be whipped and beaten and then die a cruel death on the Cross then on the third day after being buried in a tomb He came out of death into life to give us life eternal Hallelujah!!

Let us give our all so that the Life of Christ Jesus can be seen and others may find eternal life.

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