Galatians 4 Part A

Galatians 4 Part A

We continue with our study of Galatians in chapter 4. Our context goes all the way back to Galatians 2:16. We see how Paul's infirmity was not explained but Paul and the people of Galatia grew close then something happened to cause a split among them.

Teaching starts 3:40

The law was a guide or a road leading us to the new birth 5:00

Let's get a running start at chapter 4 by starting in chapter 3 in verse 23

The natural man 13:00

The school master 16:00

Christ the end of the law for righteousness 19:56

The REV commentary 24:30

Our Father owns the cattle upon a thousand hills 29:26

Thorn in the flesh? 34:30

Psalm 22 38:53

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