Five Sad Truths Found in the Bible

Five Sad Truths Found in the Bible


100 Days of Preaching the Gospel #32 | with Daniel Whyte III

TEXT -- Matthew 7:13-14

The Bible contains many wonderful words of hope, encouragement, instruction, and blessing for God's children. But because God is truthful and the Bible is a truthful book, it also contains words of judgment, condemnation, and punishment. In short, the Bible tells the good and the bad. In light of that, today, I want to share with you five sad truths that are found in the word of God.

I. The first sad truth is that not everybody is going to be saved.
2. The second sad truth found in God's word is that more people will be lost than will be saved.
3. The third sad truth found in the Bible is that many who are expecting to be saved will be lost.
4. The fourth sad truth is that no one will be saved after death.
5. The fifth sad truth is that this could be your last opportunity to be saved.

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