


I was born a worm and died a metaphor
I ascended from the leaf and became an inspiration
Winged with the knowledge of the unknown.
I lived in my shell till your laughter bought me out.
I inched my way to the great unknown
I left a glowing trail for others to follow.
You touched my soul and swam the great oceans
You were way too big to keep in an aquarium
So I keep myself if yours.
I was born a word that became an idea
That became a reason that became a question
That metaphor into a believer.
I was killed before I was allowed to hate
To be a salve and concentrate.
I was ripped out of the womb
Cause someone needed more room.
The action of two whether done in love or rage
Lead to my conception and to my grave.
I was born a worm and a concept to be scorn
I ascended from the earth with the roots
Of her soul clinched in my teeth.
Don’t love me because I live, love me because you breathe.
Dig deep to understand and not to bury another man.
Inch your way through life and you will live a million years
Ascending to the height of the highest branch
Ascending to the height of understanding
Ascending, ascending, and ascending.
By Carlos Gomez 11-7-13

I was born a worm and died a metaphor
I ascended from the leaf and became an inspiration
Winged with the knowledge of the unknown.
I lived in my shell till your laughter bought me out.
I inched my way to the great unknow

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